Import or update accounts

In Younium you can manage your accounts (Customers) with our in-app import tool. With this tool, you can import new accounts and update existing accounts.

The tool is reached by going to the accounts view and clicking the 3 small dots in the top corner and "Import accounts"

Skärmavbild 2024-04-29 kl. 15.31.01.png


Import new accounts

Go to the tool and follow these steps to import new accounts. (you can find a template to use at the bottom if this article)

1. Select the file that contains the accounts you want to import, file format that is support is csv. Under type you choose if you want to import new accounts or update existing accounts then click next.

you can find a template to use at the bottom if this article


Skärmavbild 2024-04-29 kl. 15.51.06.png

2. In this second step you map the csv file to Younium fields. Account name is the only mandotory field. If you don't map customer type all imported accounts will be set as "Customer"

Skärmavbild 2024-04-29 kl. 16.02.54.png

3. Some field requires a second mapping, then you will see a new drop down meny where you set what kind of value that are in the csv file. For example Country on the adress you need to set if the value is country name or alpha code

Skärmavbild 2024-04-29 kl. 17.20.49.png

4. Start the import, if any errors occurs you will get a error log that you can download and fix the errors. Since accounts that are ok will be imported we suggest that you use the error file do import the ones that was not created to avoid duplicates



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