Invoice attachments

For customers that are not posting the invoices with a standard ERP connector, Younium will create the invoice PDF or electronic invoice that are sent to the customer. For both email and e-invoices, Younium will attach the PDF document.

It is strongly recommended to enable Attach PDF to invoice under Settings > Invoices > Invoice, this will attach the PDF created to the invoice record when it is sent by email.


As default setting when creating a new environment this settings is enabled. 


It is also possible to attach additional documents that are sent together with the email or e-invoice. This is done on the Draft invoice by selecting Add file in the attachment box.


Attach UBL XML file as Invoice attachment

It is possible to automatically generate and attach UBL XML file to e-mail invoices. This is most common in the Netherlands but the functionality is available for all Younium users. The XML file is generated according to Peppol BIS Billing 3 format.

How to enable UBL XML attachment

Go to Settings > Invoices > Invoice settings and enable "Attach UBL to invoice"

When this setting is enables you get a new option on your Accounts for those customers that has Invoice delivery method: Email. Enable "Attach UBL to invoice" on the Account:

When these parameters are enabled, email invoices to these Accounts will include an attached UBL XML file in addition to the PDF file. The files are also attached to the invoice record:


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