
TaxJar automates your US sales tax calculations, reporting, and filings.

Please contact Younium helpdesk for guidance how to create a TaxJar account.



When TaxJar integration is enabled, Younium will:

Make a Sales tax calculation request to TaxJar for each draft invoices that is created for your Nexus States.  

Make a Sales tax reporting request to TaxJar for all posted invoices in all States.



You must enter your address in Setting > Legal entities. This is used as the "From address" in the integration with TaxJar.

Your customer addresses must be valid US addresses with State codes (TX, CA, NY, ...)


Enable TaxJar integration in Younium

Enable TaxJar at the setting page Settings > Integrations > TaxJar

To connect to TaxJar you need an API token, click "Get started" enter your API token and select  "Validate".

How do I get a TaxJar API token? 



When token is validated, there are a few configuration parameters that needs some attention.


"Sales tax calculations" - This enables live tax calculations to TaxJar when draft invoices are created for the States listed in "States for tax calculations". 

"Sales tax reporting" - This enabled reporting of the posted invoices to TaxJar. The invoices are found under "Transactions" in your TaxJar account.


Tax template configuration

TaxJar also needs to be enabled for the country in your tax templates. To do this go to Settings > Accounts receivable > Tax templates. Select your tax template, select the applicable country (United States) and check the TaxJar checkbox. Make sure that "Tax1" is zero (0) and "Tax2" and "Tax3" is empty.




Enter the States where you have Nexus in the field "States for tax calculation", multiple states are entered comma-separated.


Product tax codes

If you sell goods or services that has a reduced tax rate, you can enter the Product tax code in the field "Product tax code" in the TaxJar settings if this should be applicable for all products. It is also possible to set the Product tax code on each charge on the field "TaxJar Product code".

Customer exemption

For your Nexus states you need to enter exemption status on your customers, you find this in the field "Exemption type" on Accounts.






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