Framework Product


A product tagged with “Framework product” is a multiple charge usage product that can be added normally to customer orders. The difference between a normal usage product and a framework product is that it is controlled by the product master settings also after it is added to customer orders. For example, if you update the price on a charge of a framework product in the product master it will automatically update the price on that charge on all orders that have this framework product on it. In the same way, you can add additional charges to the framework product in the product master and it will be added automatically to all the orders.


A typical use case for framework products is when you have usage charges that can be consumed by all customers and additional charges may be available for the customer over time without a new contract being written. An example is SMS charges where you may charge your customers 0.1 € for a Norwegian SMS and 0.05 € for a Danish SMS. Later on, you want to make a price increase and can simply update the price in the product master and all the SMS prices will be updated automatically. You can also add a new charge for Swedish SMS and it will be pushed out to all orders having the framework product active.


It is possible to override a charge on a framework product on a single order, for example, if a customer negotiates the price of 0.8 € for a Norwegian SMS you can make that change on the specific order and this charge will from the onwards not be updated with changes on that charge on the framework product.



1. Create a framework product:

Go to the Product header and press Create Product, then choose Product Type "Multiple Charges" and check the box "Is Framework Product"



2. Change the price of a framework product on an order

Check the box "Framework Charge Overriden" when creating or changing an order.


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