Booking Rules

Booking Rules in Younium dictates how orders are booked, specifically which date. 

There are 2 options:

  • On Order Activation Date: The booking date will be on the actual date you activate the order, so if the order starts 2022-01-01, but you activate the order on 2021-12-15, the booking and its related metrics will be booked at 2021-12-15
  • On Order Effective Date: The booking date will be on the effective start date of the order, so if the order starts 2022-01-01, the booking and its related metrics will also be booked at 2022-01-01

Read more about Bookings

To find Booking Rules, go to Settings, Order, and Booking Rules 

To choose booking rule, press EDIT, choose rule, and then press the SAVE.




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