To generate accounting periods:
1. Go to the section Periods
2. Press the three dots
3. Then press Generate Periods
4. Enter the values in the fields:
- Periods: Months
- Fiscal Period: The consecutive number of the month according to the company's fiscal year
- Fiscal Quarter: 3 months following the fiscal periods
- Calendar Month: The number of the month according to the calendar (For example: 1 for January)
Number of Periods: The number of periods (months) you want to add at this time (for example: 12 if you want to add a whole year)
Month of Fiscal Period 1: The first month of the company's fiscal year (for example: if the fiscal period is an even year, this should be 1 for January; if your fiscal period 1 is in September, this should be 9)
Start Year: The year of the first month you're adding
Start Month: The number of the starting month of the periods you're adding (for example: 1 for January, 9 for September)
5. Press Generate
In this example, we are adding the 12 monthly periods of 2022: