Change & manage orders


General description of a change order

Change orders is the concept of updating a recurring order to a customer. Its used for example to update a quantity, ad a addon to existing order or to cancel and reduce a existing order. 


  1. Go to the specific order you want to change
  2. On the order header press the button Change Order
  3. On the Order information set the Effective Change date  - That date is from what date the change should be effective. Eg you have a order that runs from 1/1  - 31/12 with 1 user. From the 1/3 you want to update the number of users to 2. 1/3 is then you Effective change date. 
  4. There is also a option to set specific dates on the product charge. Then make sure that you have set correct dates on the charge details. 
  5. Adding product to a existing order is done as same way as adding a product on a new order, by searching for a product in the product search field. 
  6. Once you have executed the changes you want to do, press the Activate Change button

Please note: Doing change orders in Younium is to the core activity to use to update the customers contracted subscription. If you for example what to reduce a contract due to contractual negotiations - a change order is the way to do that, done correctly a change order will calculate the credit invoices needed to adjust the order. 


Mass update charge information in a Change Order

Customer use case description

It is possible to have large amounts of product charges on the order (some customers have several hundred product charges on a order).

That order data can then be updated en mass. Making changes on fields such as Start on, End on, Price Period or Remarks on large amount of changes may be a cumbersome and error prone task since all data would need to be updated manually.


We have now introduced a tool for that: a mass update tool for product charges. All data on the product charge except order critical data (charge type and charge model) can be updated.

How to use it

There are two different modes to be used on activated orders.

  1. Update without doing a Change order
  2. Update and do a Change order

The difference between the two is that the data that can be changed without doing a change order is limited to the fields Remarks and Custom fields. Updating data on a order in change order mode will also generate a new version of the order. When updating a order as a change order, all parameters can be changed.


Update without doing a Change order

  1. Younium>> Orders>> Specific order.
  2. Select your products to be updated with the checkboxes in the Products section.
  3. Press the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select Mass update charges
  4. The MassUpdate charges wizard with three steps will be showed:
    1. Charges to include
    2. Choose fields and set values
    3. Confirm
  5. Without being in change order mode there will only be two sections of fields available to choose from. 
    1. Charge information > Remarks
    2. Custom fields > Any custom fields that you have created for your orders.

Set the values you want to update

  1. Preview what values to be updated 
  2. Execute your changes by pressing the Confirm Updates button

Update and do a Change order

  1. Younium>> Orders>> Specific order.
  2. Press Change order button in the header
  3. Select your products to be updated with the checkboxes in the products section.
  4. Press the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select Mass update charges
  5. The MassUpdate charges wizard with three steps will be showed:
    1. Charges to include
    2. Choose fields and set values
    3. Confirm
  6. There are five sections that can be updated:
    1. Charge information
    2. Pricing details
    3. Custom fields
    4. Financial details

For each section you select the fields that you want to update, all except Charge type and Charge model can be updated since they are critical to the order.

Note that feature for increase current price will ad the value to the current value both in absolute numbers and in %. Meaning if you set the value to 10 it will increase the current price with 10% or with 10 €.

  1. Preview what values to be updated and Confirm your changes in the confirm view.
  2. Execute your changes by pressing the Confirm Updates button

Print screens of the feature

Charges to include


Choose field and set values view


Confirm view 




Invoice Preview

When creating or changing an order, you can preview the coming invoices for the order to make sure the order is set up correctly.

After entering data in the order, before activating or saving as draft, on the order header press Invoice preview

This view will generate:

  • Invoices
  • Invoice lines
  • Revenue scheduled items for the selected invoice


This enables you to control the invoice that your order will generate before you create and post the invoice. 



Modify Product


Modify Product is tool or a guide to do change order. It have the same capabilities as the change order view but is simplified to reduce that possibilities to do errors since its limited to one product and its charges



  1. Go to a active order and select Modify product
  2. The Modify product guide will open in a window
  3. Make your desired changes, like price, quanitity, price or billing period
  4. Verify your Effective change date  and press Preview to verify your changes 

3. Important: Make sure the EFFECTIVE CHANGE DATE is correct

4. Press the PREVIEW button


5. You will get a pop down extension of the screen where you can verify that your desired changes are correct. In that case proceed by pressing Modify Product button.


If your changes are incorrect, reset to preview order version by pressing the reset changes button. 


Using the the modify product feature will off course result in a booking and a new version of the order. 



Cancel Order

Cancel order is the functionality of removing a active order on a customer. Since Younium will execute parts of your book keeping and generate journals it is not possible to delete activated and invoiced orders. They need to be cancelled and subsequently credited (witch Younium will do automatically when using the cancel order functionality).


  1. Go to specific order you want to cancel
  2. On the order header press Cancel Order
  3. The Cancel order widget will open up and guide you through your cancellation
  4. There are two different options of how to set the effective end date
    • One fixed end date for all charges
    • Individual dates for all the charges
      • The individual date functionality holds three different options:
        • On each invoiced to date - the effective end date will be set to until the date that customer has been invoiced. 
        • On each effective end date  - The effective end date will be sett to the individual charges previously configured end date 
        • On custom dates  - Set a custom date to your effective end date.
  5. Preview and set cancellation date - Younium will calculate and show you any credits that will be resulted from your cancel order operation for you to verify your actions. The cancelation date is a reporting date you set to register when the cancelation is entered in the system. 
  6. Press the Confirm cancellation button to proceed with your cancelation

A Cancel order operation is another way to execute a change order operation. That means it will generate a booking and potentially invoices.

It is possible to undo a cancellation by using the Revert order version.



Revert Order

Mistakes are easily made. However, in Younium, it is possible to revert changes to an order (revert to the previous order version). Before reverting an order version, there are some things to keep in mind:

  • This is only possible if no invoices have been posted for the latest order version.
  • If any invoice drafts have been generated for the latest order version, cancel them and you will be able to revert it.
  • If multiple consecutive order versions have no invoices posted, you will be able to revert them one by one to the desired version.
  • There must be more then 1 version of the order for the feature Revert order version to appear on the thre dot menu. 


1. On the order you want to revert to the previous verison

2. Press the three dots in the central order header, and then Revert Order Version

3. Press YES in the confirmation dialog 


4. If the revert was successful, you will get the following message:



You can verify the reversion by looking at the order versions on the right side of the order:


Notice that you cannot revert further than order version 1 (the Revert order version button is inactive), i.e. the order cannot be deleted completely.



Delete order 

Since Younium is have some capabilities from a ERP system it is not possible to delete invoiced orders. Invoice orders needs to be credited since they will result in journals for your accounting books. 


But if you are still creating the order and have not post the invoice it is possible to delete a order. 



Go to the order you want to delete and select the option to Delete Order, press Yes in the confirmation box.


FAQ: Why cant I delete a order?  - The order have been invoiced, check if there are any invoices for that order.


FAQ: What do I do if I want to delete a invoiced order?  -  That will not be possible, you will have to use the cancel order function. For any outstanding periods that have not been used by the customer a credit charge and invoice will be created.


Edit Order and Order Product Charge information


Its is not possible to edit or change any values on the order that have affect on the order, meaning term, price, quantities or other values that affect the order. 


There are though some non critical fields that can be edited even on active order press the Edit  function. Its possible to edit some fields on:


1. Order information

2. Order product charge


Any changes that is done like this, not in Change order mode will only update the order meta data and not the order itself.



Paus Order

In some cases, there might be situations when a customer want to pause a subscription for some time (without being shown as a churn).  

Below are two usable videos on how to pause subscription in Younium: 

Video 1: Simple pause with known unpause date, cancelling current charge and adding new one at unpause date


Video 2: Complex pause (multiple charges, more complex order) and/or not a known unpause date at time of pausing

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