Change Order

Change orders is the concept of updating a recurring order to a customer. Its used for example to update a quantity, ad a addon to existing order or to cancel and reduce a existing order. 


  1. Go to the specific order you want to change
  2. On the order header press the button Change Order
  3. On the Order information set the Effective Change date  - That date is from what date the change should be effective. Eg you have a order that runs from 1/1  - 31/12 with 1 user. From the 1/3 you want to update the number of users to 2. 1/3 is then you Effective change date. 
  4. There is also a option to set specific dates on the product charge. Then make sure that you have set correct dates on the charge details. 
  5. Adding product to a existing order is done as same way as adding a product on a new order, by searching for a product in the product search field. 
  6. Once you have executed the changes you want to do, press the Activate Change button

Please note: Doing change orders in Younium is to the core activity to use to update the customers contracted subscription. If you for example what to reduce a contract due to contractual negotiations - a change order is the way to do that, done correctly a change order will calculate the credit invoices needed to adjust the order. 


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