Invoice via batch means to create a invoice for open and not invoiced orders that is caught by the target date you set. Meaning its a tool to invoice all your customers at once.
- Go to the section Invoices
- Press the Invoice batches button
- Configure how you want to run your batch. Either buy invoicing all accounts or a subset of accounts. There are two ways of selecting a subset of accounts.
- Select the accounts you want to invoice manually by unchecking the Invoice all accounts and selecting the accounts you want to inlcude.
- By using invoice batch groups functionality. The invoice batch group is added to the account and if selected you will then create a invoice batch for the accounts included in that group.
- Set target date
- Set invoice date
- You will get a batch log, if there are no errors press Back to Batches, otherwise, look into the errors and potentially resolve them.
- When back in the batch:
Post Invoice: Selected Invoice will be posted
Post Batch: All invoices in the batch will be posted