There are two options to create a order:
Create a Order from the Order menu
- Select the Order section from the main menu
- Press Create Order from the top bar.
Create a order from the Account menu
- Go to the Accounts menu
- Select the Account to create a order for
- On the top menu press Create Order
2. Order Details
On the Order page there is Order details sub menu to the left where the Order detail are set. Below we explain the fields.
Order Details:
- Description: Describe the order, if necessary
- Account: Choose a client to create an order for (if you created the order from "Orders")
- Invoice account: If there is another Account that should be invoiced for the order, then choose that account here
Order Type:
- “Subscription”: Will be invoiced and have recognized revenue over time according to settings on the order and order products
- “Sales order”: Order with one-off sales and one invoice, no recognized revenue over time
- Currency: Client’s currency for billing
Subscription Type:
- “Evergreen” - If the agreement has no end date
- "Termed” - If the agreement has a specific time period (with an end date)
- Effective Start Date: From when the order will start when activated (when the client will start getting charged for the order, this is a function and not only information, so make sure you're setting the correct date when the order starts and the customer will start to get charged)
- Effective End Date: If you have the subscription type "Termed" this is when the order will end, calculated by the effective start date and the initial term
- Initial Term (months): If the order is termed, this is the original length of the agreement
- Renewal Term (months): If the order is termed, this is how long the order will be renewed (if renewed) after the initial term
- Auto-renewal: This enabled will let the order renew automatically after the initial term (it will renew the order with the renewal term)
- Notice Period (months): Number of months before the end date that the order will be renewed (if 0, the order will be renewed at the effective end date). If the order has no auto-renewal, the order will not be renewed automatically on this date
- Payment method: The method that the account will use to pay for the invoices generated from the order
- Order Date: This is the date when the client signed up for the order, but not when they will start to get billed (this is used for reporting and have no system function in the app)
Invoice settings
- Billing Period on order: Toggle to set to Yes or No. This feature is activated under order settings.
- Invoice Separate: The invoice process will create a separate invoice for this order (otherwise, there will be one invoice made for all the orders of the client). When you enable this you can configure order specific payment terms and invoice address
- Your order number: Reference to the customer other than the standard Younium order number, if necessary
- Payment Term: Days from the order invoice date until when the invoice will expire
- Use Account invoice batch group Select what the invoice batch group the order should belong to. When creating a invoice batch, an invoice will be created along with all orders included in this group, separated from other orders.
- Invoice Adress The invoice adress set on the account
- Delivery Address The delivery adress set on the account
- Invoice template The invoice template selected
- Our / Your Reference: Will be on the invoice
- Remarks: Any information for the order that should be communicated internally or to the account (can optionally be on the invoice head)
- External ERP ID To be used ad a ID from a external ERP system
Custom fields
What ever custom fields you have created on your orders.
3. Order Products
All orders need one or more products. The products are created from the product section.
1. Press: Select Product
2. Choose a product in the list, if the product have a charge plan, select what plan the order is to be on.
4. Order Product Charge Details
- Description: Description of the charge, will be the name of the line item on the invoice
Charge type: The billing structure of the charge
- One-Off - A charge billed only once
- Recurring - A recurring service the account will be billed for every billing period
- Usage - A charge based on the account's usage of the product, can only be billed in arrears
- Measured - Similar to usage, but a measure of something (number of users, etc) as a data point that will be billed for - can, therefore, be billed in advance as well
Charge model: The pricing structure of the charge
- Flat - a fixed price
- Quantity - One price per unit
- Volume - The pricing have different tiers and the final price will be the quantity within one tier level (tier price per unit * quantity OR flat price on that tier)
- Tiered - The pricing has different tiers and the final price will be the quantity per each tier ((tier price per unit * tier quantity OR flat price on that tier) + (tier price per unit * tier 2 quantity OR flat price on that tier) + ... + (tier price per unit * final tier quantity OR flat price for final tier))
Start on: The specific start date of the charge relative to the order
- Align to order - (default) The charge will start the same date as the order starts
- Specific date - The charge will start at the specific chosen date
- Milestone - The charge will start at the time the selected milestone is reached
End on: The specific end date of the charge relative to the order
- Align to order - (default) The charge will end the same date as the order ends
- Specific date - The charge will end at the specific chosen date
- Milestone - The charge will end at the time the selected milestone is reached
- Price Period: The period the price is based on
- Quantity: If the Charge Model is quantity, here is the field for the quantity amount the account is using of the product
- UOM: If Charge Type is not flat, the Unit of Measure is what the quantity is a measure of
- External ERP ID Id to be used from external systems
- Price/PPU: The price the account will be billed for the charge / Price per unit the account is using and will be billed for
- Discount %: A percentage discount based on the list price, which will calculate and determine the price field
- Discount amount: Same function as Discount % but based on an amount
- List Price: The standard price of the product
- Remarks: Any information for the specific charge that should be communicated internally or to the account (can optionally be under the invoice line on the invoice to the account)
5. Order Charge Tiers
If your product is a tiered
Create a Price Tier:
- From: 0 if there is a flat fee, otherwise 1
- To: Tier roof
- Price: Price of each unit on that tier or the flat fee
Price Base:
- Flat for a fixed price per the quantity in the tier
- Per Unit for a price per quantity
- Add Tier
6. Order Charge Financials
Charge Financial Configuration: Make any necessary changes
- Billing period: How frequent the account will be billed for the charge
- Period alignment: How the billing of the charge will sync with the order cycle
- Billing day: When to charge the client (for very specific scenarios)
- Revenue Recognition rule: How the revenue will be recognized
- Account receivable: At what account the receivable will be booked
- Deferred revenue: At what account the deferred revenue will be booked
- Recognized revenue: Where the revenue will be recorded
- Tax template: What template this charge will have for taxes and tax rules (More on tax templates)
- Billing Timing: If the charge should be billed in advance of the charge period or in arrears of the charge period
- Tax included: If the tax is included in the initial price, then activate this, otherwise, the tax will be added according to the tax template rules
7. Activate Order
When done with the order, Activate or Save Draft at the top of the order head. The order will remain inactive when saving as a draft and will be modifiable. If you activate the order, it will be changeable, but this requires a change order and will create a new version.
Billing Settings
Overview description
The billing settings will decide how your order will be billed, they are available on the product order charge >> Financial details card
Fields to be configured
Billing Period: The frequency or the timing the charge will be billed. The following options are available:
- Monthly: every month
- Quarterly: 3 months per billing
- Biannual: 6 months per billing
- Annual: 12 months per billing
- End of Term: The full contract in one invoice
Period Alignment: This determines the date from which we want to invoice a full billing period. Period alignment decides the start date for invoicing full billing periods and allows charges to align with this interval, even if the service is activated on a start date outside the current billing period.
The following settings can be configured:
- Align to order: The charge will always align the full billing period from order effective start date.
Align to charge: The charge will always align full billing period from the original start date of the charge
- Align to start of month: The charge will always align full billing period to the start of a month
- Align to start of calendar quarter: The charge will always align full billing period to start of a calendar quarter.
- Align to date: This option allows you to set your own period alignment date. The charge will always align full billing period to the date of your choosing.
Billing Timing: There are two options:
- In Advance
- In Arrears
This setting dictates when you can send an invoice for a charge, affects what your target date for invoices you need to set when creating the invoice.
For example, you have an order and a charge with start date 2019-01-01 and monthly billing period, and you want to send an invoice for January:
In advance: you can send the invoice as soon as the charge starts; you can set your target date from 2019-01-01
In arrears: you can send the invoice after the period of the charge has ended; you can set your target date from 2019-02-01
Subscription types
In Younium there are two different types of subscription orders:
- Evergreen: The order has no end date, it is perpetual until further notice
- Termed: The order has a specific end date, along with a renewal period and a notice period
Choosing "Termed" under Subscription Type in the order header will allow for a couple of important variables:
- Effective Start Date: Exists for any order, the date when the order actually takes effect.
- Effective End Date: Is determined by the Initial Term.
- Initial Term: The length in the number of months of the initial order, dictates what date the order will end.
- Renewal Term: Whenever the order ends, this is the number of months from the effective end date that the order will be extended if renewed.
- Notice Period: This is how many months in advance the account has to inform if they want to cancel the order. If the order is not canceled before the notice period date, the order can/will be renewed on this date. The subscription will be extended from the effective end date with the number of months in the renewal term.
- Notice Period Date: The date the order will be renewed if not canceled.
- Auto-Renewal: If this box is checked, the order will be automatically renewed on the notice period date. If not checked, the order will have to be manually renewed.
Note that your metrics are affected by your order's terms. Read more about how this affects your metrics.