Pause or disable order from Invoicing

To support that a order is correct but should not be invoiced according to the terms there is a setting to Disable invoicing on a order. 

The purpose of this setting is to be able to "pause" invoicing on a order for e period of time. This does not affect end date of the order, or any of the Younium KPIs. Its only function is that it is not possible to invoice the order (neither directly from the order or as part of a invoice batch).


To Disable Invoicing: Open a active order> Press edit order information> Invoice settings> Disable invoicing= True. 


To make it easy to view what orders that currently are paused we have added a filter to the Order view:

Filter out all orders with disabled invoicing: Orders view> In the top bar to the right of the search field> Change the Order status filter to invoice disable.

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