Salesforce integration release notes

This document describes what has been released in the Younium integration package for Salesforce. Instructions and latest download link is available here: Salesforce integration configuration.



Miscellaneous updates

  • Improved error handling for change order opportunity creation.
  • Improved TCV calculations for certain change-order scenarios.
  • Include pricing tiers when creating change order opportunity.

Install URL:/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tKA000000HClD



Miscellaneous updates

  • Synchs Invoice account from Younium to Salesforce on Younium Order object
  • Sends Invoice Accounts to Younium on Change Order (if Invoice Account is not null)
  • Sends Auto Renewal-flag to Younium on Change Order (if custom metadata setting "Sync_Auto_Renewal_In_Change_Order" is set to TRUE)

Install URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t69000001WiwP 



Fix of identified issues

  • Fixed breaking issue in the change order creation logic.
  • Shows error messages to users in change order creation component

Install URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t69000001WiwK



Mapping Charge type when creating change order opportunity

It was reported from customers that charge type was not mapped from Younium Order charge to Opportunity line item when creating change order opportunity. This has now been fixed.



Miscellaneous fixes

  • Error handling when sending orders to Younium
  • Using fixed percentage in product selector
  • Show change/start date in product selector depending on order type
  • Add lookup from change Opportunity Product to the corresponding Charge



Added standard fields to Younium Order and Order charges

We have added field "Our reference" to Younium Order object and field "ACV Currency" to Younium Order charge object.


Customize the Opportunity products table in Product selector

With this update it is possible to customize the columns in the sub table "Opportunity products" in the Younium Product selector. This is done in Custom metadata type "Younium table columns" using the filter "Product picker existing table". To enable this it is also required to update the setting "Use old opportunity product table" to FALSE in Custom metadata type "Younium setting".


Renew and Change operation from an Opportunity

It is now possible to have an Opportunity that when it's closed won and synched to Younium both Renew and change the Subscription for its upcoming term. This is done by using the field "Next renewal term (months)" on the Opportunity.



Younium App

The package now includes an App "Younium" that includes tabs for all relevant objects for the Younium Integration. The package also includes a set of Page layouts that are prepared with the Younium fields.




With this version a new Younium Log object is introduced in Salesforce. This is used to log any failed outgoing api requests. 


September 2023 (1.538)

Edit tiers on saved opportunity products

Pricing tiers on already saved opportunity products are now editable using the "Edit tiers" button on the line items in the Younium product selector.


Configurable dialog for Creating change order opportunities

There is now a new dialog available that can be added using a new action button on Younium Orders. This is a configurable dialog where it's possible to customise what fields are available for the user when creating the opportunity. Fields are configured in "Customer metadata types" in Salesforce.

In the new dialog the user can select what existing products to bring in to the Change order opportunity. 


Fixed bug with currency symbol in Product selector

A bug that always presented the home currency in the product selector independent of the opportunity currency.


TCV calculation for all price periods

The TCV calculation on opportunity products now supports also monthly and quarterly price period configurations.


Download Invoice PDF from Younium

There is a button you can add to page layouts for the Younium Invoices object that downloads the invoice pdf and attaches it to the invoice record in Salesforce.


June 2023 (1.534)

Lock tiers in Product selector

There is now a setting that makes it possible to make the tiers read-only in product selector, this means that the user can only change price, not change quantity levels or add additional tiers. This is a setting on Product with the checkbox: "Tiers locked in Product picker".


April 2023 

Support for Tiered and Volume pricing

The new object Younium Volume/Tiered pricing is fully introduced and supports Tiered and Volume price models on Opportunity products. It is also used in the synch of Subscriptions from Younium to Salesforce.


Mapping of Online payment details 

It is now possible to map online payment details (Stripe customer ID and Tokens) from Salesforce to Younium in the account synch.


Show effective start date on Product selector

It is possible to add the Opportuntiy (Order) effective start date to the Product selector. This is done in Custom metadata types with the parameter "Show_EffectiveStartDate".


March 2023 

Fully configurable columns in Product selector

In Custom metadata types: Younium table columns, it is now fully configurable what columns to display in the Younium product selector on Opportunity. This includes the possibility to display any field on opportunity products, including custom fields.


Invocable action to send Opportunity to Younium

The synch of opportunity to Younium is now available as an invocable action in Salesforce, this means that it can be triggered automatically with a flow for example when an opportunity is Closed Won.

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