Double payments of already settled invoices

It is a common scenario that customers pay already settled invoices. Younium supports registation of double payments and over payment directly from the payments section.

Match a payment with an already paid invoice

  • If a payment is made to an already settled invoice, Younium will not automatically match the payment to an invoice. Instead, the payment will be marked with colour red, indicating that no matching invoice was found.
  • If you then press the "Search invoice" button on the unmatched payment and use the "paid" filter, already settled invoices will appear.
  • You can then match the payment to the settled invoice and post it.

Follow up steps

  • If a paid invoice with status "Settled" is matched with additional payments the Invoice will change status "Open".
  • Balance amount - Invoices with paid amounts exceeding the Invoice amount will have a negative balance.
  • Invoices with a negative balance but with status "Open" will not be included in Youniums automatic invoice reminder flow.

Best practice to deal over paid invoices

Younium recommends to create a routine to follow up on invoices with status “Open” and a negative balance. That can be done through various ways, either by adding a column with remaining amount in the invoice section or by creating a dedicated report for that purpose.

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