Visma AutoInvoice /Maventa


The Younium AutoInvoice integration provides an efficient and automatic way of sending invoices as either electronic invoices or invoices by email.

Get started

In order to get started with the AutoInvoice integration, you first need to go to Maventa: (*19lofae*_ga*MTc4NDgxNzIwMi4xNjYxMzI5ODU2*_ga_L17CMZ3ENC*MTY2MTg1NTkyMi4yLjEuMTY2MTg1NTkyNS4wLjAuMA..)

and register a new account by clicking “Yes, please - Sign up now”.


When an accounts is registered - sign in to your new account in Maventa. Go to Settings and fill in the required details in the empty fields. This includes:

  • Company details → **You need to fill in API key and Company UUID Note for field “Company email”: If something doesn't work with delivering an invoice, Maventa will send an email to the email-adress that has ben inputted under this field. Therefore, make sure that the email that is filled out here is somewhere were this issue can be discovered.
  • Billing information
  • Postal address
  • Invoice settings → Invoice notifications → Sending invoices
    • Note for settings under “Sending invoices”: Under these settings, we do not recommend to have “Send email reminders” enabled in Maventa. When having this enabled, it can cause double reminders being sent out to your clients (both from Maventa and Younium), whereby this function should be disabled in Maventa.
  • Please note, if an account has an invoice delivery method set to “External print”, one of the below check boxes need to be checked if you wish to have the invoice in the pdf-layout that is used in Younium on the invoices that are sent and printed by Maventa.
  • Settings that are not required nor recommended to fill in are:

    • Invoice settings: → Invoice notifications → Sending invoices
    • Extra services

    Set up guide in Younium

    To get started with the AutoInvoice integration in Younium, go to Settings, Integrations and AutoInvoice.

    Press EDIT and enter your Company Id and API key (from settings in Maventa). Then press SAVE.


    When the above steps are performed, your Younium account is all set to use the AutoInvoice integration.


    Using the integration

    With the integration enabled in your Younium environment, you will have a new invoice delivery method called “Automatic Electronic Routing”.


If this invoice delivery method is set on an account, the required fields to have set on the account card are:

  • Organisation number
  • Tax registration number
  • Invoice email

Note: E-invoice adress is not required for invoice delivery method: Automatic Electronic Routing.

If Automatic Electronic Routing is chosen as invoice delivery method, please note that the following fields are required on orders to post invoices to Autoinvoice:

  • Your Reference
  • Buyers Reference OR Your Order Number

How it works:

When it’s time to invoice, the accounts that have the invoice delivery method set to Automatic Electronic Routing will automatically go to Maventa. Maventa will then do an automatic lookup on the customer using the organisation number and tax registration number to see if the customer is able to receive an electronic invoice. If this is the case, the invoice will be sent to the customer as an electronic invoice. However, if the customer is not able to receive invoices as e-invoices, Maventa will send the invoice as an email instead, by using the invoice email that has been set on the account in Younium.

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